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Best Remote Sensing Software

In this article we will discuss about best Remote Sensing Software that processes remotely sensed data.

Some software is paid license, and some open source. In below see the list of best Remote Sensing software’s;

List of Best Remote Sensing Software’s


The ERDAS IMAGINE incorporates Geospatial Image processing and analysis, Remote Sensing, and GIS into a single powerful, convenient platform Developed by Hexagon Geospatial.

Best Features:

  • Image processing and classification
  • Orthorectification, Mosaicking, Reprojection, Elevation extraction
  • Point cloud processing
  • Spatial Modeler’s graphical editing
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence algorithms


ENVI is the image processing and analysis software. It is used by image analysis, GIS professionals and scientists to extract timely, reliable and accurate information from geospatial imagery. ENVI supports more than 200 different types of data.

Best Features:

  • Science-based analytics are accurate and reliable for extracting meaningful information
  • Spectral indices, elevation data or data transforms to create more robust classifiers
  • Defense, disaster response, Urban development, Transportation and other industries
  • Preprocessing tools such as calibration, atmospheric correction and color space transforms create consistent input data for deep learning models.
  • Geospatial deep learning technology built on TensorFlow

PCI Geomatica

PCI Geomatics is the developer of Geomatica, it is a complete and integrated desktop software that features tools for remote sensing, digital Photogrammetry, geospatial analysis, map production, mosaicking and more.

Best Features:

  • Faster data processing
  • Allows users to load satellite and aerial imagery can be performed advanced analysis
  • Uses educational, commercial, and military users


GRASS GIS is a free Geographic Information System (GIS) software used for for terrain and ecosystem modeling, hydrology, visualization of Raster and Vector data, management and analysis of geospatial data, also processing of satellite and aerial imagery.

Best Features:

  • Advanced data processing of satellite and aerial imagery
  • Advanced time series processing and a Python API for rapid geospatial programming
  • Large geospatial data analysis


ArcGIS Developed by Esri, this is a foundational piece for GIS professionals to create, analyze, manage, and share geographic information. The ArcGIS Desktop allows to create maps, perform spatial analysis, and manage data.

Best Features:

  • Visualizing, processing, analyzing, and managing imagery and raster data
  • Combine 3D, CAD, imagery, and other data on a single map
  • Multispectral and multidimensional raster analysis and processing
  • Advanced raster and image analysis for machine learning and feature extraction
  • Photogrammetric correction of remotely sensed imagery from drones, aircraft, and satellites


SAGA (System for Automated Geo-scientific Analyses) has been designed to easy and effective implementation of spatial algorithms and it’s easily approachable user interface with many visualization options.

Best Features:

  • Perform data analyses and manipulations by executing modules
  • Manipulation modules and analysis of vector data
  • Performed Classifications using cluster analysis or a supervised procedure
  • Create Digital Elevation Models and Terrain Analysis


TNTmips software is a geospatial data processing application including imagery, terrain surfaces, and map data with associated database attributes. It’s provides professional geospatial tools in a single package at an affordable price without costly add-ons.

Best Features:

  • Integrating GIS, image processing, terrain analysis and surface modeling
  • LIDAR visualization/processing
  • Hydrologic catchments and drainage patterns in the Watershed process
  • DEMs, terrain tile-sets, contours, TINs, Surface Modeling


The gvSIG is a open source professionals geomatics network. It’s uses on spatial data infrastructures, mobile solutions and spectoral solutions. gvSIG Desktop allowing thus continually improving the software application and developing tailor made solutions.

Best Features:

  • Generate maps 2D and 3D applications easily
  • Uses for inventory projects, census, revisions, inspections
  • Create Spatial Data Infrastructures


ILWIS (The Integrated Land and Water Information System) is a remote sensing and GIS software which integrates image and it’s delivers a wide range of features including import/export, digitizing, analysis and display of data, as well as production of quality maps.

Best Features:

  • Ortho photo, image georeferencing, transformation and mosaicing
  • 3D visualization with interactive editing for optimal view findings
  • Production and visualization of stereo image pairs
  • Set of operations on DEMs/DTMs and hydrological processing
  • Import and export of widely used data formats


Trimble eCognition software is used by GIS professionals, Remote Sensing experts & data scientists to automate geospatial data analytics. It is designed to improve, accelerate and automate the interpretation of a variety of geospatial data and enables users to design feature extraction of change detection solutions to transform geo-data into to geo-information.

Best Features:

  • Integrated and modular GNSS systems for surveying and mapping
  • Powerful, rugged and designed for the way you collect data
  • Terrestrial 3D laser scanning and imaging systems
  • Automated, continuous real-time monitoring and alerts

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