GISRSStudy » Remote Sensing » Raster Image Processing

Raster Processing- Layer stack, Subset and Mosaic, using Erdas Imagine

A Raster image processor is a component used in a printing system which produces a raster image also known as a Bitmap.

In this Tutorial, explain and create 3 Raster image processing method using Erdas Imagine software. There are:

  • Layer stack
  • Subset
  • Mosaic

Layer stack

Layer stack is one of the useful Raster image processing method. It is a process of join a single Band.

1. On the Raster tab, click Spectral and select Layer stack.

2. Layer stack window is appears, Browse Input file (i) and Add (ii) one by one layer. Add all the single Bands, now select Output file (iii) and click OK.

layer stack-raster image processing method


Subset is a process of the Slip method as well as extract image.

AOI (Area of Interest)

First, select the area, perform to the subset.

1. On the Draw tab, Insert Geometry group Rectangle and Drag it in your map.

2. On the Raster tab, select Subset & chip and click create Subset image.

3. Subset pane are open, select Input file(i) and Output file (ii), check into ignore zero in output stats (iii), then click AOI (iv) button. Choose an AOI window is appears, choose Viewer (v) and click OK, then click OK

subse- raster processing
subset image


Mosaic describe, join two or multiple Geographic path images.

1. On the Raster tab, select Mosaic and click MosaicPro


2. MosaicPro pane are appears, click Display, add images dialog (i) and choose the images. The images are added now visible the images, just check into the box (ii) and click Display Raster images (iii).

3.Select Automatically generate seamlines for intersection (iv), seamlines generation options pane is open, choose Weighted seamlines and click OK.

4. Now select set overlap/seamline function(fx) (v), set seamline function pane is open, choose Smoothing and Feathering and click OK button.

5. All the Task is complete, click Run the Mosaic process to disk (vi).

mosaic pro-raster image processing method

6 thoughts on “Raster Image Processing”

  1. I want to ask how to rotate my map image because in the first open,the image in landskap but i want in portrait…can you tell me how to rotate the map??

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