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Create a project In ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro, maps and data are usually organized on a project. Before you begin map, you’ll create a project.

Create a Project from a Default Template

1. Click Map > The Create a New Project window appears. By default, projects are saved in a new folder, unchecking Create a new folder for this project.

2. Write Name > Browse folder > Click OK.

The project is created with a map showing the World. In ArcGIS Pro, maps are made up of layers of Geographic data.

On either side of the map are panes. By default, the Contents and Catalog window panes are open. It’s not show, select View tab and open it.

The Contents pane lists the layers on the map and the Catalog pane lists all files associated with the project.

Navigate Place or Location

Find any place to easy, click the Map tab. In the Inquiry group, click the Locate button.

The Locate pane appears, search for and navigate to geographic locations, including countries, cities, and street addresses. In the Locate pane, in the Search bar, type location name and press Enter.

Add Data

You can add many data it’s store into ArcGIS Portal on your computer.

1. Select Add Data > Data, in the Add Data window open, under Portal, click All Portal. Search Portal box, type your required data (ex. California owner). All the has listed, select (California Jurisdictional Dams) and OK.

2. Data is already added, now you can Customize or Edit symbol. Just click to a symbol (California Jurisdictional Dams symbol) open Symbology pane.

3. The Symbology pane appears You can choose from a Gallery of default symbols or customize a symbol. Click Properties > select Layers, customize everything (style, font, color, size, etc).

You’ll change the Basemap to one that emphasizes your data. Change Basemap to more clearly symbol and also the ground point.

On the Map tab, in the Layer group, click Basemap and choose any Basemap.

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