GISRSStudy » GIS » GIS Freelance

Freelance GIS

GIS (Geographic Information System) collects geographical information or data, analyzes data, and making maps.

At present day GIS involved for every industry, so day by day increase the demand for Geoinformatics. That is the reason many students choose this field want to doing the career.


Some professional GIS person involved big industry, like; NASA, ISRO, Esri, Governmental organizations, Universities. But many GIS students and also professional persons work remotely through freelancer website. Because many industry not afford to pay to the big amount for his work.

Here both of them is benefited, because the small industry paying the small amount for his work, similarly the unemployed or individual GIS persons find his work.

Also you can check rating and review for GIS Professional persons on the freelancer website.


Benefits of GIS Freelance;

For Company/ Industry

  • No need Office space
  • Flexible Project cost
  • Check Rating and Reviews, and find best person for your project
  • Companies can better plan their marketing efforts for better results

For GIS Professional/ Developer

  • Work remotely, that means no need to going to the office
  • Flexibility to work remotely on your terms
  • Negotiate Project cost
  • Working with all over the world
  • Freedom to choose your own GIS jobs
  • Form your company, and be your own boss
Freelance GIS Work

GIS Freelance Website

This is a booming profession, and there’s a lot of demand for experienced people. Many different industries need GIS analysts and technicians—governments, telecom, environmental, utilities, education, and much more.

List of best GIS Freelancing website:

  1. Upwork
  2. Fiverr
  3. Freelancer
  4. Truelancer
  5. Guru
  6. Toptal
  7. PeoplePerHour

How to apply as a GIS Freelance

If you are want to do as a freelancer, then have to stay good knowledge and experience in Geoinformatics (GIS, Remote Sensing, and GNSS). This the first step.

The next step is, apply as a freelancer in different freelancing websites. Remember, you will get a project based in your knowledge and experience.

In below, one example to show you, how to create a account and apply for GIS project in freelancing website.

In this tutorial, as an example we will choose Upwork site.

1. Go to the Upwork web portal, click Sign up button.

2. Choose Join as a client or freelancer. Definitely you choose “I’m a freelancer, looking for work“, then click Apply as a freelancer.

join as a gis freelancer in upwork

3. Fill all the mandatory details, like; name, email, country, etc. click Create my account.

4. The next step is Verify your email.

5. The verification process is completed, a few quick questions: first, have you freelanced before. Also you can skip this process.

freelancer information

6. All the account information details process is complete, now find the GIS project.

find gis freelance work

Remember, it’s very difficult to get the first project. Once you have done your first GIS freelance work with good ratings and reviews, next time its very easy to get project.

Once you have established your portfolio, you will be expert in this field and grow your revenue.

GISRSSTUDY Team giving best wishes all the GIS freelancer. Thank you.

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