GISRSStudy » ArcGIS » ArcGIS Linux

ArcGIS Linux

ArcGIS Linux Server provides the platform for sharing your GIS resources, such as maps, with your user community.

Also you can using ArcGIS Pro or sitting across the country accessing and viewing maps through the Internet.

Linux Operating system

Linux requirements

The following 64-bit operating systems satisfy the minimum operating system requirements. Support is not provided for 32-bit operating systems.

ArcGIS Server is only supported on Linux x86_64, on CPUs that adhere to the x86_64 architecture (64 bit), with supported Linux releases.

License Manager

The Linux patches for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 Update 8 minimum (32-bit and 64-bit) will be supported as long as they are from SuSE Linux without modification to the kernel/glibc version.

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