Tableau GIS Tutorial
Tableau is a data visualization software created by Chris Stolte, Pat Hanrahan, and Christian Chabot in 2003. It is to provide the public with visualization software that would improve workflows.
What is Tableau GIS?
Tableau GIS is designed to make the most of geographical data, so you can get to the “where” as well as the “why.” With instant geocoding.
It is automatically turns the location data and information you already have into rich. You can explore the world through data and share what you find.
Also, you can even import geographic data from GIS, and make it more easily accessible, interactive, and shareable via Tableau Cloud, Tableau Public, and Tableau Server.
Tableau can be used by any professional looking to expand their visualization process and to create customized visualizations.
Get Started Mapping with Tableau
This tutorial learn, how to create maps in Tableau Desktop.
At first you need to access Tableau, you can choose your require plans or try a free trial.
Start your free trial of Tableau Cloud.
Once you have completed the trial form, click ‘Request Free Trial‘ button.
Then, Check your email to activate your Tableau trial and verify your email address.
Create/Sign In Tableau Account
Verified your mail, now create and sing in Tableau Account.
Download Tableau Account
Install Tableau Desktop :
You only have 3 more steps to go start Tableau Desktop.
- Once the download completes, click to open the download. Depending on your browser, the downloaded file location may differ.
- Click “Continue” and proceed the through the 5 install prompts as you are guided through the installer until the installation is complete.
- Once the installation is complete, click to open the Tableau Desktop. Fill out the trial registration form and click submit to activate your free trial.
Tableau Desktop Tutorial
Tableau Desktop is a variety of data sources and starts visualizing data.
Before you start this tutorial, you are going to connect to an Excel file that comes with Tableau Desktop.
Connect to your Geographic Data
1.Open Tableau Desktop application.
2. In the Connect pane, click Excel.
3. Navigate to Documents > My Tableau Repository > Data Sources, and then open your sample data file.
Join your Data
1. On the left side of the Data Source page, under Sheets, double-click your data.
2. To edit this join, click the join icon or the Join dialog box that opens.
Create a Geographic Hierarchy
1. In the Data pane, right-click the geographic field, Country, and then select Hierarchy > Create Hierarchy.
2. In the Create Hierarchy dialog box that opens, give the hierarchy a name, then click OK.
3. In the Data pane, drag the State field to the hierarchy and place it below the Country field.
Repeat the same process for the City and Postal Code fields.
When you finished, your hierarchy should be in the following order:
- Country
- State
- City
- Postal Code
Build a Map
You will start by building a basic map view following the steps:
1. In the Data pane, double-click Country.
2. On the Mark’s card, click the + icon on the Country field.
Now have to create a basic map view.
Change from points to polygons
On the Marks card, click the Mark Type drop-down and select Filled Map.
The map updates to a polygon map.
Add labels
1. From Measures, drag Sales to Label on the Mark’s card.
2. In the Data pane, right-click Sales and select Default Properties > Number Format.
3.In the Default Number Format dialog box that opens, select Number (Custom), and then do the following:
- For Decimal Places, enter 0
- For Units, select Thousands (K)
- Click OK
Customize Map
To customize your background map:
1. Select Map > Map Layers.
2. In the Map Layers pane, click the Style drop-down and select Normal.
3. In the Map Layers pane, under Map Layers, select Coastlines, and then clear Country/Region Borders, Country/Region Names, State/Province Borders, and State/Province Names.