GISRSStudy » GIS » Raster Data Analysis

Raster Data Analysis

What is Raster Data Analysis?

Raster data analysis is the process of analyzing geospatial data, such as; Geoprocessing, Surface analysis and Terrain mapping.

Raster data are especially suited to continuous data. Continuous data change smoothly across a landscape or surface.

Examples of Raster Data

Raster Data is classified into various types; they are:

Perform Raster Analysis in ArcGIS

The Raster Analysis toolbox contains a set of tools for performing raster analysis using ArcGIS software.

Slope Analysis

Open ArcMap, then open the Toolbox, ArcToolbox window is appears to expend Spatial Analyst Tools, then expend the Surface subgroup, and select Slope.

Slope window appears select Input Raster and Output Raster (you can choose output measurement- Degree or Percent), and click Ok.

Hillshade Analysis

In ArcMap, open the Toolbox, ArcToolbox window is appears to expend Spatial Analyst Tools, then expend the Surface subgroup, and select Hillshade.

Hillshade window appears select Input Raster and Output Raster, and click Ok.

Aspect Analysis

In ArcMap, open the Toolbox, ArcToolbox window is appears to expend Spatial Analyst Tools, then expend the Surface subgroup, and select Aspect.

Aspect window appears select Input Raster and Output Raster, and click OK.

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