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ArcGIS CityEngine

ArcGIS CityEngine is powerful and advanced 3D modeling software for creating massive, and immersive urban environments in less time than with traditional modeling techniques. CityEngine based on real-world Geographic Information System (GIS) data, for planned urban design.

ArcGIS CityEngine logo

CityEngine is the perfect tool for the Urban Design. ArcGIS Online or Open Street Map to easily create urban designs with the procedural modelling powers of CityEngine. Customize your designs manually with drawing tools and bring your city to life in game engines.

CityEngine Features

  • Navigate the scene by panning and zooming and changing perspective.
  • Choose specific layers to view.
  • Swipe the scene to reveal different proposals and scenarios.
  • Search scene content for features, attributes, and metadata.

How CityEngine works

  1. Choose area– get Map Data function to import basemap and terrain data.
  2. Sketch and design– Add or sketch your streets, city blocks, and parcels.
  3. Add 3D– fransform 2D data into 3D models.
  4. Add information– add more details to bring your 3D models to life.
  5. Export– Export your finished 3D city to the web.

CityEngine Download

To access the CityEngine, sign in to, click My Organizations > Downloads, and search for CityEngine.

CityEngine system requirements

Supported operating systems for CityEngine 2022.1 :

Supported operating systems

Supported operating systemLatest update or service pack tested
Windows 11 Pro and EnterpriseMay 2022 update
Windows 10 Pro and EnterpriseMay 2022 Update
Windows 8.1 Pro and EnterpriseMay 2022 update
Windows Server 2022 Standard and DatacenterMay 2022 Update
Windows Server 2019 Standard and DatacenterMay 2022 update
Windows Server 2016 Standard and DatacenterMay 2022 update
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and DatacenterMay 2022 update
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 8Update 5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 7Update 9

Software requirements

Operating systemSoftware
WindowsUnreal exporter—To enable Unreal exporter, install the Epic Games Launcher from
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)Install the Server with the GUI group. Add the red-hat-lsb package.

Hardware requirements

CPUIntel/AMD compatible (x86_64) quad-coreIntel i5 (10th Gen) 8-core or AMD Ryzen 5 (3rd Gen) 8-core or higher
Memory16 GB32 GB or more
Disk Space4 GB32 GB or more
GPU 1Intel 2 HD Graphics 500 Series
Nvidia Geforce GTX 950 or Quadro M2000
AMD RX 500 Series
Nvidia GTX 1080, Quadro P5000 or newer
AMD RX 5700 XT or newer
GPU Memory2 GB8 GB or more
Screen Resolution1280×7201920×1200 (or higher)
NetworkInternet connection100 Mbps (or higher) internet connection

CityEngine Tutorial

In this tutorial, learn how to creating a scene, selecting objects, and editing rules.

First, you’ll create a CityEngine project.

Create a Project

Steps :

1. Click File > New > CityEngine > CityEngine Project, to open the Select a wizard dialog box.

2. Click Next, in the Project name box, type your project name.

3. Click ‘Finish

The project folder is created in the Navigator.

Create a Scene

Steps :

1. Click File New CityEngine CityEngine Scene or right-click \your project folder\scenes\ folder and select New > CityEngine Scene to open the Select a wizard dialog box again.

2. Click Next, in the file name box, type file name.

3. Click Finish.

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