ArcGIS Data Management Tools

In ArcGIS the Data Management toolbox provides a varied collection of tools that are used to develop, manage, and maintain Feature classes, datasets, layers, and Raster data structures.

The Data Management toolbox lets you perform functions from simple tasks like managing basic structures, such as fields and workspaces, to more complex tasks related to Topology and versioning.

ArcGIS Data Management Toolset & Tools

ArchivingThe Archiving toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase archiving. Archiving in ArcGIS provides the functionality to record and access changes made to data in a geodatabase for enable and disable.
AttachmentsThe Attachments toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase attachments. The attachments functionality provides a powerful way to associate nongeographic data with your geographic information. With these geoprocessing tools you can more easily incorporate attachments into your workflows and automate the process of adding and removing attachments.
Data ComparisonThe Data Comparison toolset contains tools to compare one dataset with another dataset to report similarities and differences. You can use these tools to identify changes made to a dataset.
Distributed GeodatabaseDistributing geodatabases allows organizations to disperse their data as necessary from central servers to regional or local offices, which may be in a connected or disconnected environment. This is achieved through replication of the geodatabase in whole or in part and dispensing these replicas as necessary throughout an organization.
DomainsDomains offer a way to define a range of values that can be used for multiple attribute fields. Using domains helps ensure data integrity by limiting the choice of values for a particular field.
Feature ClassThe Feature Class toolset provides a set of tools designed to perform basic feature class management, including creating, appending, integrating, and updating multiple feature classes.
FeaturesThe Features toolset contains tools to transform features from one geometry type to another and verify correctness of features.
FieldsThe Fields toolset contains tools that make changes to the fields in the tables of a feature class.
File GeodatabaseThe File Geodatabase toolset contains tools that compress and decompress file geodatabase feature classes and tables.
GeneralThe General toolset contains tools for performing general data management operations. The toolset contains tools for combining feature classes or tables; renaming, copying, or deleting datasets; finding or deleting duplicate or identical records; sorting records; and tools that enhance ModelBuilder functionality.
GeneralizationTools in the Generalization toolset can be used to aggregate or eliminate features.
Geodatabase AdministrationThe Geodatabase Administration toolset contains tools for a variety of geodatabase management tasks. Specific database data management tools, as well as geodatabase upgrade, management, and maintenance, are covered by the tools in this toolset.
Geometric NetworkThe Geometric Network toolset contains a set of tools that can be used to create, manage, and run trace tasks on geometric networks.
GraphThe Graph toolset provides tools to create and save graphs. You can use the tools to create various graphs (bar, line, and so forth) and save these as graph files or images.
IndexesThe Indexes toolset contains tools that add or remove spatial and attribute indexes from feature classes or relationship classes.
JoinsThe Joins toolset create a join between a layer and a table view. Joins made with the Add Join tool are temporary and last only for the duration of a session.
LAS DatasetThe LAS Dataset toolset contains tools for creating and managing LAS datasets. LAS dataset is a triangulated surface type that allows for the rapid read and display of airborne lidar data in the LAS format.
Layers and Table ViewsThe Layers and Table Views toolset creates and manipulates layers, layer files, and table views.
PackageThe Package toolset provides tools to consolidate, package, and share layers (.lyr) and map documents (.mxd).
PhotosThe Photos toolset contains tools for analyzing and managing digital photograph files. The toolset includes tools for creating a point feature class from geo-tagged photo files, and for matching photo files to features or table rows based on the timestamp of the photo and capture time of the feature or row.
Projections and TransformationsThe Projections and Transformations toolset contains tools that set the projection of and reproject a dataset.
RasterThe Raster toolset contains tools that create and manipulate raster datasets.
Relationship ClassesThe Relationship Classes toolset contains tools that create associations between feature classes and between feature classes and tables.
SamplingThe Sampling toolset provides tools that create features that are used either as sampling locations or as aggregation areas.
SubtypesThe Subtypes toolset contains tools that manage the subtypes of a feature class or a table.
TablesThe Table toolset contains tools that make adjustments to and query the table of a feature class.
Tile CacheThe Tile Cache toolset contains tools to generate, manage, import, and export tile caches.
TopologyThe Topology toolset contains tools that manage the topologic relationship among a number of feature classes.
VersionsThe Versions toolset contains tools that make adjustments to the versions of the data.
WorkspaceThe Workspace toolset comprises a set of tools to create the data storage structures used by ArcGIS. These structures include workspace, folder, two types of geodatabases, feature dataset, and an ArcSDE connection file.

ArcGIS Pro Data Management Toolset & Tools

3D ObjectsThe 3D Objects toolset contains tools for enhancing a multipatch feature class with the capabilities of the 3D object feature layer. The 3D object feature layer improves multipatch features by optimizing the storage of texture information and adding support for additional visualization effects, textures, and materials associated with several 3D modeling formats.
ArchivingThe Archiving toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase archiving. Archiving in ArcGIS provides the functionality to record and access changes made to data in a geodatabase for enable and disable.
AttachmentsThe Attachments toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase attachments. The attachments functionality provides a way to associate nongeographic data with geographic information. With these tools, you can incorporate attachments into your workflows and automate the process of adding and removing attachments.
Attribute RulesThe Attribute Rules toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase attribute rules. Attribute rule functionality provides a way to add custom rules and behaviour to your geodatabase data.
Contingent ValuesThe Contingent Values toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase contingent values and field groups. You can incorporate contingent values into your workflows and automate the process of adding and removing values using these tools.
Data ComparisonThe Data Comparison toolset contains tools to compare one dataset with another dataset to report similarities and differences. You can use these tools to identify changes made to a dataset.
Distributed GeodatabaseThe Distributed Geodatabase toolset contains tools for creating and synchronizing changes between replica geodatabases.
DomainsDomains offer a way to define a range of values that can be used for multiple attribute fields. Using domains helps ensure data integrity by limiting the choice of values for a particular field.
Feature BinningFeature binning is an advanced visualization capability that allows users to explore and visualize large datasets. It also helps users observe patterns at macro and micro levels with simple out-of-the-box mapping options.
Feature ClassThe Feature Class toolset provides a set of tools that perform basic feature class management.
FeaturesThe Features toolset contains tools to create and manage feature-based GIS data, transform features from one geometry type to another, find and correct issues with feature geometry, and record feature geometry measurements and coordinates as attributes.
FieldsThe Fields toolset contains tools to create and modify fields. A field is a column in a table; each field contains the values for a single attribute. Any number of fields can be included in a table.
File GeodatabaseFile Geodatabase can reduce to as little as 1/4 their original size. Once compressed, a dataset looks the same in ArcCatalog and ArcMap as when it was uncompressed. Also, apart from editing, you work with it the same way. The compressed data is a direct access format, so you do not have to uncompress it each time you access it: ArcGIS and ArcReader read it directly.
GeneralThe General toolset contains tools for performing general data management operations. The toolset contains tools for combining feature classes or tables; renaming, copying, or deleting datasets; finding or deleting duplicate or identical records; and sorting records.
GeneralizationTools in the Generalization toolset can be used to aggregate or eliminate features.
Geodatabase AdministrationThe Geodatabase Administration toolset contains tools for a variety of geodatabase management tasks. Specific geodatabase data management tools as well as geodatabase upgrade, management, and maintenance are covered by the tools in this toolset.
IndexesThe Indexes toolset provides tools that create and remove indexes.
Joins and RelatesThe Joins and Relates toolset contains tools that add or remove joins between layers or table views. Joins made with the Add Join tool or the Add Spatial Join tool or relates made with the Add Relate tool are temporary and do not permanently transfer the fields between tables.
LAS DatasetThe LAS Dataset toolset contains tools for creating and managing LAS datasets. LAS dataset is a triangulated surface type that allows for the rapid read and display of airborne lidar data in the LAS format.
Layers and Table ViewsThe Layers and Table Views toolset creates and manipulates layers, layer files, and table views.
PackageThe Package toolset contains tools to consolidate, package, and share layers (.lyr and .lyrx), maps (.mxd and .mapx), projects (.aprx), address locators (.loc), and geoprocessing results.
PhotosThe Photos toolset contains tools for analyzing and managing digital photograph files. The toolset includes tools for creating a point feature class from geo-tagged photo files, and for matching photo files to features or table rows based on the timestamp of the photo and capture time of the feature or row.
Projections and TransformationsThis toolset contains tools to convert geographic data from one map projection to another. There are additional tools for transforming raster datasets, such as shift, rescale, and rotate.
RasterThe Raster toolset in the Data Management toolbox contains tools that perform raster data management and raster processing. These tools allow you to work with raster dataset properties and create and process raster data.
Relationship ClassesRelationship classes define relationships between objects in the geodatabase. These relationships can be simple one-to-one relationships, similar to what you might create between a feature and a row in a table, or more complex one-to-many relationships between features and table rows. Some relationships specify that a given feature, row, or table is not only related to another feature but that creating, editing, or deleting one will have a specified effect on the other.
SamplingThe Sampling toolset provides tools that create features used either as sampling locations or as aggregation areas.
SubtypesSubtypes provide a method of dividing your feature classes or tables into logical groupings based on an attribute value. By allowing you to work with a subset of features in a feature class, subtypes make it possible to assign consistent attributes and behavior to those subsets.
TableThe Table toolset contains tools that perform basic table management.
Tile CacheThe Tile Cache toolset contains tools to generate, manage, import, and export tile caches. These tools are capable of generating tile caches from a raster dataset or a mosaic dataset on your desktop without the need for ArcGIS Server.
ToolboxThe Toolbox toolset contains tools for analyzing the contents of toolboxes (model and script tools) for use with different versions of ArcGIS software.
TopologyThe Topology toolset contains a set of tools that can be used to create and manage a geodatabase topology.
VersionsVersioning allows multiple users to access geographic data in a geodatabase. Versioning lets connected users simultaneously create multiple, persistent representations of the geodatabase without data duplication. Versioning is supported by the Enterprise geodatabase only.
WorkspaceThe Workspace toolset contains tools to create the data storage structures used by ArcGIS.
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