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Data Reviewer ArcGIS

What is Data Reviewer?

Data Reviewer is an efficient and consistent data review process, that provides a comprehensive set of quality control tools. This tools support both automated and semi-automated analysis of data to detect errors.

What is ArcGIS Data Reviewer?

ArcGIS Data Reviewer enables management of data in support of data production and analysis. Data Reviewer providing a system for automating and simplifying data quality control that can improve data integrity.

Use Data Reviewer to lower data management costs and reduce risk in decision-making by detecting, managing, and reporting errors in your data.


  • Automate error detection
  • Engage stakeholders in data quality review
  • Track, manage, and monitor dataquality
  • Inform decision-making

Benefits of Data Reviewer

  • Automated and Semi-automated data review
  • Increase GIS data quality and reliability
  • Enhance data productivity and transparency
  • Save resources and reduce costs

ArcGIS Data Reviewer Tutorial

Data Reviewer Toolbar

In ArcMap the Data Reviewer toolbar provides several tools, you can use to manage and run quality control processes on your data. This tools for managing Reviewer sessions, configuring checks, batch jobs, and creating polygon grids.

Tools on the Reviewer Table

Toggle Table Edit ModeToggle Edit Table ModeToggles the ability to edit field values
Symbolize Reviewer Feature RecordsSymbolize Reviewer Feature RecordsSymbolizes feature records in ArcMap that are listed
Grid Selection ToolGrid Selection ToolSelects cells from a polygon grid linked to the Reviewer table and only shows those records
Reviewer Table PropertiesReviewer Table PropertiesAllows you to configure properties
Show Record BitmapShow Record BitmapDisplays a bitmap of the location recorded by the Flag Missing Feature tool
Repeat Existing RecordRepeat Existing RecordCopies single record’s review information to a newly digitized record

Data Reviewer Toolbox

The Data Reviewer geoprocessing toolbox contains tools that allow you to create and delete a Reviewer session, execute a batch job, and compare the schemas of two geodatabases.

Learn more about Data Reviewer.

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