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GeoAI (Geospatial Artificial Intelligence)

What is GeoAI?

GeoAI stand for Geospatial Artificial Intelligence. Its the application fused with Geo-spatial data, science, and technology to accelerate real-world understanding of business opportunities, environmental impacts, and operational risks.

It reveals and helps us perceive intricate patterns and relationships in a variety of data that continues to grow exponentially.


  • Extract rich geospatial data with deep learning.
  • Perform predictive analysis using machine learning.
  • Automated data generation and approachable spatial tools and algorithms.

Why is GeoAI Important?

  • Improve data quality, consistency, and accuracy.
  • Accelerate the time to situational awareness
  • Bring location intelligence to decision-making

How is GeoAI Used?

Geo-AI is used in various industries and applications to tackle challenges and proactively seize opportunities. It is used to optimize crop yields, heighten community safety, streamline asset inspection, shorten emergency response times, and more.

  • Natural resources
  • National mapping and statistics
  • Defense and intelligence
  • Public safety

ArcGIS GeoAI Toolbox

The ArcGIS GeoAI toolbox contains tools for using and training AI models that work with geospatial and tabular data.

This toolbox contains tools that allow you to train and use models that perform classification and regression on feature and tabular datasets, as well as classify, transform, and extract information from unstructured text using natural language processing

Feature and Tabular AnalysisThe Feature and Tabular Analysis toolset contains tools for applying machine learning and deep learning algorithms to feature or tabular data.
Imagery AIThe Imagery AI toolset contains tools that apply object detection and pixel classification deep learning algorithms to imagery data.
Text AnalysisThe Text Analysis toolset contains tools that perform natural language processing on text. Text can be classified or transformed, and entities such as addresses can be extracted.
Time Series AIThe Time Series AI toolset contains tools that forecast and estimate future values at locations in a space-time cube.

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