GISRSStudy » GIS » NRSC Hyderabad Training

NRSC Training

NRSC (National Remote Sensing Centre) offers to different types of GIS and Remote Sensing training with Certificate.

Training courses are conducted for capacity building in geospatial technologies and Remote Sensing Applications.

NRSC Courses

Regular, special and customized courses are organized towards capacity building of user community for effective use of space inputs for various applications in about 20 programmes and training around 500 officials / academic scholars per year.

Regular Courses

NRSC provide 12-week training course on “Geospatial Technologies and Applications”.

This course discuss about core Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing and GIS Technologies with necessary practical and applications in Agriculture, Soils, Forestry, Land use/cover, Geology, Geomorphology, Urban studies, Water resources, Watershed & Rural Development, Ocean, Atmospheric sciences and Disaster Management followed by 3 weeks Hands-on project.

Special Courses

2-Weeks Special Course

A 2-week training course on “Open Source GIS” is organized for the benefit of beginners in this field.

Concepts of GIS, Spatial Data Models, Data Capturing, Basic Operations on Spatial Analysis, Mobile GIS, WebGIS, Bhuvan Web Portal, Hands-on using Open Source GIS Tools are dealt with.

1-Week Special Course

1-Week Special course on “Overview of Geospatial Technologies” it’s providing an overview of Remote sensing, Image Processing, GIS, Digital Photogrammetry, GPS, Bhuvan web services and mobile applications.

3-Days Training

3 Day Training onBhuvan Overview, like Visualization, Data download, Map services, Crowd sourcing, API, Applications carried out for Ministries & State Government departments. Practical Hands-on exposure on Bhuvan portal, Applications like Disaster management, Bhuvan Panchayat, Surface & Ground Water and on Rural Development will be dealt with.

Bhuvan overview training is organized at NRSC Outreach Facility, Jeedimetla campus. Interested personal may apply for training through NRSC BHUVAN online registration portal. It is a free of cost training programme.

Theme Oriented Courses

  • 2-Week Thematic course on “Remote Sensing Applications for Land Resources Management”.
  • 1-Week Thematic course on “Geospatial Technologies for Climate Studies”.

Customised Courses

NRSC organizes customized courses to Govt. Departments of 1-week and 2-week duration. The course will be organized for a minimum of 12 participants and not exceeding 30 per batch.

Customized courses will be undertaken subject to the availability of suitable time slot in accordance with courses announced as per annual course planner. Kindly contact NRSC for additional details.

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