GISRSStudy » GIS » Esri Demographic Data

Esri Demographics

What is Esri Demographic Data?

Esri Demographic data help you to understand people and population division. Demographics are available both globally and locally, with access to over 15,000 ready-to-use demographic data variables from more than 170+ countries around the globe.

Esri Demographics is available in several ways:


  • Thousands of attributes on population, income, housing, consumer behavior, and more, describing geographic areas across the world at multiple levels of geography.
  • Ready-to-use infographics and reports for presenting information.
  • Regularly updated with the latest available data.
  • A consistent library of data available across products.

Esri Demographics Data

The Esri Demographics data authoritative over 170 countries and regions, supplying context and adding insight to the maps and location-based analyses of organizations worldwide.

Esri provide two types of demographic data:

  1. Standard Demographics
  2. Advanced Demographics

Standard and Advanced Demographics available for each country or region;

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