GISRSStudy » Remote Sensing » Resourcesat Satellite

ResourceSat Satellite

Resourcesat Satellite (IRS-P6) is an advanced Remote Sensing satellite built by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

Resourcesat Sensor Specifications

Number of Bands44
Spectral Band 2 (µ)0.52 – 0.59 (green)0.52 – 0.59 (green)
Spectral Band 3 (µ)0.62 – 0.68 (red)0.62 – 0.68 (red)
Spectral Band 4 (µ)0.77 – 0.86 (NIR)0.77 – 0.86 (NIR)
Spectral Band 5 (µ)1.55 – 1.70 (SWIR)1.55 – 1.70 (SWIR)
Resolution (m)5624
Swath (km)740140
Revisit Period (days)524

Resourcesat Satellite Series


Resourcesat-1 launched on 17 October 2003 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre by the Indian PSLV-C5. It is the 10th satellite of ISRO in IRS series, by IRS-1C and IRS-1D.

ResourceSat-1 Specification
Launch dateOctober 17, 2003
Launch siteSHAR, Sriharikota
Launch vehiclePSLV-C5
PayloadsLISS-4, LISS-3, AWiFS-A, AWiFS-B
OrbitPolar Sun Synchronous
Orbit height817 km
Orbit inclination98.7o
Orbit period101.35 min
Number of Orbits Per day14
Local time of equator crossing10:30 am
Repetivity24 days
Revisit5 days
Lift-Off mass1360 kg
PowerSolar Array generating 1250 W at End Of Life, two 24 AH Ni-Cd batteries
Mission Life5 years
Resourcesat Satellite


Resourcesat-2 launched on 20 April 2011 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre by the Indian PSLV-C16. It is the 18th satellite of ISRO in IRS series.

ResourceSat-2 Specification
Launch dateApril 20, 2011
Launch siteSHAR, Sriharikota
Launch vehiclePSLV- C16
PayloadsLISS-4, LISS-3, AWiFS-A, AWiFS-B
OrbitCircular Polar Sun Synchronous
Orbit height822 km + 20 km (3 Sigma)
Orbit inclination98.731º + 0.2º
Orbit period101.35 min
Number of Orbits Per day14
Local time of equator crossing10:30 am
Repetivity24 days
Revisit5 days
Lift-Off mass1206 kg
PowerSolar Array generating 1250 W, Two 24 Ah Ni-Cd batteries
Mission Life5 years


Resourcesat-2A was successfully launched on December 07, 2016 at 10:25 hrs (IST) from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. It is a follow on mission to Resourcesat-1 and Resourcesat-2.

The Resourcesat-2A carries two Solid State Recorders with a capacity of 200 Giga Bits(GB) each to store the images taken by its cameras which can be read out later to ground stations.

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