GISRSStudy » Remote Sensing » Image Fusion in Remote Sensing

Image Fusion For Remote Sensing using Erdas Imagine

What is Image Fusion

Image fusion or Resolution marge is a process of combining two images to yield that provides the best characteristics of both Sensors.

Image Fusion Techniques in Remote Sensing

In this tutorial perform Spatial Statistical Data Fusion for Remote Sensing Applications using Erdas Imagine.

In this lession, used one quickbird multispectral image with 4 spectral bands and a spatial resolution of 2.8 m., and one panchromatic image of the same sensor having a high spatial resolution of 0.7 m.

Resolution marge in Erdas Imagine

Perform Resolution marge or Image fusion techniques using Erdas Imagine software.

Steps :

1. Select Raster tab > Resolution group > Pan Sharpen button > Resolution Marge.

Resolution marge

2. The Resolution Marge dialog opens, under High Resolution Input File select high resolution image (ex.-kol_qb_2002_p1), and under Multispectral Input File select multispectral image (ex.-kol_qb_2002_m1).

3. Choose your file directly to save the project. Write the Output File name(fusion.img)

4. From Method, choose Principal Component or Multiplicative or Brovey (any one)

4. Under Output Options, turn on the Stretch to unsigned 8-bit and Ignore zero in stats checkbox by clicking on them.

5. Finally click OK button to start Resolution Marge process.

Image Fusion Techniques

6. Open the output file in the view, and with the original images.

quickbird satellite image
Original images
Image Fusion
Fusion image

Resolution Marge Method

There are three type of resolution marge methods:

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