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ArcGIS Sites

Create a Site

Create a new site in ArcGIS, follow these steps in below:

1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise.

2. Click New on the Sites card.

3. Provide a name for your site, then click Create site.

Site Editing

After you’ve created a site, you can edit and configure your site’s settings.

1. Open the site’s URL in a new browser window and click Sign In on the global navigation bar.

2. Click the edit button edit to open the site editor.

3. Click the apps switcher button apps switcher next to your user profile and choose Sites.

4. On the Overview page, click Manage on the Sites card and open the site by clicking on its title.

Publish a Site

1. Open a site or page in edit mode.

2. Click the Save drop-down menu.

3. Click Preview Draft.

4. Once you have checked all the configuration perfectly, click publish button.

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