Download Imagery from Online Database
In this tutorial, you’ll assume the role of an urban planner looking for Satellite imagery of Singapore. Using the Landsat Look app, you’ll search the USGS databases for a recent image and add it to a map in ArcGIS Pro. You’ll then change the default band combination to display the image more clearly.
Create an Account
To download the image, you’ll create a free account for the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center.
To download Landsat data, you need to create a free USGS EROS account. If you already have a account, just Log in it.
1. Go to the EROS Registration System.
2. Follow the instructions to proceed through the registration process.
3. A message is sent to your email address to confirm your registration. Click the link in the email to activate your account.
Satellite Imagery Download
1. Open the GloVis (Global Visualization Viewer)
2. Click Launch GloVis to open GloVis.
3. GloVis appears, close the ‘Would you like to take a tour?’ Window.
4. In the Interface Controls pane, under Select Data Set (s), and choose your data.
5. You can also select area to download data imagery. On the toolbar at the top of the map, click Jump to and choose Lat/Long.
6. In the Jump to Lat/Long window, for type Latitude and Longitude value.
Find an Image
1. In the Interface Controls pane, under Select Data Set (s), review the dataset listed.
[In this lesson, working with Landsat 8 image]
2. Under Select Data Set(s), turn on Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS C1 Level-1.
3. Under Dataset Metadata Filters, for Date Set, set the range, and click Apply.
4. Under the Common Metadata Filters, you can use the Filters. Like Cloud Cover, enter 0 to 10, and click Apply.
Download Image
1. On the bottom toolbar, click Next and Previous to compare the two available images.
3. Select Level-1 GeoTIFF Data Product, click Download button.
2. On the bottom toolbar, click Download.
Locate the downloaded file on your computer and extract the .tar file.