Erdas Imagine

Erdas Imagine Software is world-class Remote Sensing as well as Satellite image processing software. The ERDAS IMAGINE provides true value, consolidating remote sensing, photogrammetry, LIDAR analysis, basic vector analysis, and radar processing into a single product.


ERDAS IMAGINE Software Erdas Imagine performs advanced remote sensing analysis and spatial modeling to create new information. In Erdas Imagine Software, you can visualize your results in 2D, 3D, movies, and on cartographic-quality map compositions. The core of the Erdas Imagine product suite is engineered to scale with your Geo-spatial data production needs. Erdas Imagine […]

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Post Image Processing

Image Post Processing In this Tutorial perform Post Image Processing/ Image Classification Vectorization in Erdas Imagine Software. For many specialized applications, classifying data that have been merged, spectrally merged or enhanced with principal components, image algebra, or other transformations can produce very specific and meaningful results. However, without understanding the data and the enhancements used,

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