CartoSat Satellite

The Cartosat satellites is a Indian optical earth observation satellites and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). They are used for Earth’s resource management, defence services and monitoring.

Oceansat Satellite Specification

  • Country of origin – India
  • Manufacturer – ISRO
  • Launched – PSLV-C6
  • Weight – 700–1600 kg
  • Orbit – 618 km
  • Placed Polar Sun Synchronous
  • Equipment – Panchromatic cameras

CartoSat Satellites Series

SatelliteResolution (m)PowerLaunch date, Time (UTC)Launch massLaunch vehicleLaunch site
Cartosat-12.51100 W5 May 2005, 04:441,560 kg (3,440 lb)PSLV-G C6SLP, SDSC
Cartosat-2< 1900 W10 January 2007 , 03:57680 kg (1,500 lb)PSLV-G C7FLP, SDSC
Cartosat-2A900 W28 April 2008, 03:54690 kg (1,520 lb)PSLV-CA C9SLP, SDSC
Cartosat-2B930 W12 July 2010, 03:52694 kg (1,530 lb)PSLV-CA C15FLP, SDSC
Cartosat-2C1.2986 W22 June 2016, 03:56727.5 kg (1,604 lb)PSLV-XL C34SLP, SDSC
Cartosat-2D986 W15 February 2017, 03:58712 kg (1,570 lb)PSLV-XL C37FLP, SDSC
Cartosat-2E986 W23 June 2017, 03:59712 kg (1,570 lb)PSLV-XL C38FLP, SDSC
Cartosat-2F986 W12 January 2018, 03:59710 kg (1,570 lb)PSLV-XL C40FLP, SDSC
Cartosat-30.252000 W27 November 2019, 03:581,625 kg (3,583 lb)PSLV-XL C47SLP, SDSC


Cartosat-1 is the first Indian Remote Sensing Satellite of providing in-orbit stereo images. It’s provided stereo pairs required for generating Digital Elevation Model‘s(DEM), Ortho Image products, and Value added products for various applications of Geographical Information System (GIS).

CartoSat-1 Specification
Launch date5 May 2005
Launch siteSHAR, Sriharikota India
Launch vehiclePSLV- C6
OrbitPolar Sun Synchronous
Altitude618 km
Orbit Period97 min
Number of Orbits Per day14
Local time of equator crossing10:30 am
Repetivity126 days
Revisit5 days
Lift-Off mass1560 kg
Power15 sq.m Solar Array generating 1100w,
Two 24 Ah Ni-Cd batteries
Mission life5 years


Cartosat-2 Series Satellite is the primary satellite carried by PSLV-C40. This remote sensing satellite is similar in configuration to earlier satellites in the series and is intended to augment data services to the users.

The satellite will be useful for Cartographic applications, Urban and Rural applications, Coastal land use and regulation, utility management like road network monitoring, water distribution, creation of land use maps, and other land information system.

CartoSat-2 Specification
Launch date12 Jan, 2018
Launch siteSHAR, Sriharikota India
Launch vehiclePSLV-C40
OrbitPolar Sun Synchronous
Altitude630 km
Orbit Period97 min
Number of Orbits Per day14
Local time of equator crossing9:30 am
Repetivity310 days
Revisit5 days
Lift-Off mass710 Kg
Mission life5 years


Cartosat-2A was launched by PSLV-C9 on 28 April 2008 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. The satellite carries a panchromatic (PAN) camera.

It is a dedicated satellite for the Indian Armed Forces which is in the process of establishing an Aerospace Command.


Cartosat-2B was launched by PSLV-C15 on 12 July 2010 from Sriharikota. The satellite is the seventeenth satellite in the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite series.


Cartosat-2C was launched on board PSLV C-34 during 2014. The satellite has a lower resolution of 25 cm. It’s uses include weather mapping, cartography, and strategic applications.


Cartosat-2D was launched by PSLV-C37 on 15 February 2017 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre.


Cartosat-2E was launched by PSLV-C38 on 23 June 2017. It is designed to collect high-resolution, large-scale imagery for use in urban planning, infrastructure development, utilities planning, and traffic management.


Cartosat-2F was launched successfully by PSLV-C40 on 12 January 2018.


Cartosat-3 satellite is a third generation agile advanced satellite having high resolution imaging capability. The satellite was launched on 27 November 2019 by PSLV-C47 rocket along with 13 other cubesats from USA.

It has a panchromatic resolution of 0.25 metre, and maxium of 1 metre with a high quality resolution which is a major improvement from the previous payloads in the Cartosat series.

Cartosat Satellite
(image source-ISRO)
CartoSat-3 Specification
Launch date27 Nov, 2019
Launch siteSHAR, Sriharikota India
Launch vehiclePSLV-C47
OrbitPolar Sun Synchronous
Altitude509 km
Revisit5 days
Lift-Off mass1625 kg
Power Generation2000W
Mission life5 years

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