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QGIS Python

QGIS is a powerful programming application, that allows you to extend the core functionality of the software, as well as write scripts to automate your tasks.

QGIS 0.9 was the first support Python scripting language. There are several ways to use Python in QGIS Desktop:

  • Create and use plugins
  • Issue commands in the Python console
  • Automatically run Python code when Q-GIS starts
  • Create processing algorithms
  • Create functions for expressions in QGIS
  • Create custom applications based on the QGIS API

Use the Python API to let the user interact with its objects, like; layers, feature or interface.

QGIS Python Console

The Python console main features are:

  • Python
  • PyQGIS
  • PyQt4
  • QScintilla2
  • osgeo-gdal-ogr

Open Console

To open the console go to Plugins > Python Console

Console Toolbar

  1. Clear console
  2. Import class
  3. Run command
  4. Show editor
  5. Options
  6. Help

Console Setting

You are already open Python Console panel, click Options tab.

Now the Python Console Setting window appear, show three options is available:

  • Console
  • Editor
  • API

PyQGIS Developer Cookbook

Scripting in the Python Console

Python API Documentation

QGIS Python API documentation project

Tutorial Contents
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