Mapbox Studio Tutorial
What is Mapbox?
Mapbox is a location data platform that powers the maps and location services used in many apps. It supports maps and location services for a wide variety of web, mobile, automotive, and gaming applications.
Mapbox also provides customers with enterprise-grade location, traffic, and movement data, and APIs for routing, navigation, and delivery matrixing.
How to use Mapbox?
If you want to build with Mapbox, first you will need to create a free account, and get your first access token.
Mapbox Tutorial
In this tutorial learn how to Add points to a web map using Mapbox Studio.
What is Mapbox Studio?
Mapbox Studio is the Mapbox’s application for managing geospatial data and designing custom map styles.
Prepare the Data
You can store of your data in Mapbox account by uploading it to Mapbox Studio as a dataset.
Create a Dataset
1. Log in to Mapbox Studio and navigate to the Datasets page.
2. Click the New dataset button.

(Default data Blank dataset write the dataset name, and click Create.)
3. Select the Upload option in the upper right corner.

4. Select your data, Click Confirm, then click Create.
5. Once your file has completed uploading, click Start editing, the dataset editor automatically opens.
Show your datasets in the map, click Search dataset.

Draw a new Data Feature
You can manually add a new point to your dataset. Also, you can change the geometry, placement, and properties of existing features with the dataset editor’s draw tools.
1. In the upper right side, Search places field, search any places to add map, or use the draw tool to create a new point on the map at that location.
2. Select, draw a point, and click in to the map location.
3. Next, click the Add Property button, and add the following field name and description.
4. Click Confirm.

Export your Dataset
You will save and export your dataset as a tile-set.
1. Click the Save button in the upper right corner of the editor.
2. Now click the Export button, then select Export to a new tileset.
3. Name your tileset, and click Export.

After your tileset has successfully uploaded, click the Notifications pane to open it.
Mapbox GL JS
Mapbox GL JS is a client-side JavaScript library for building web maps and web applications with Mapbox’s modern mapping technology.
To use Mapbox GL JS in your project, you need to import it using the Mapbox GL JS CDN or install the Mapbox-gl npm package.