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GIS Project Report

GIS Report is a project report that’s allows you to organize and display the tabular data associated with your geographic features.

In this tutorial we will create a project report Road Morphology in Behala Chowrasta, Kolkata, 700008.

Road Morphology of Behala Chowrasta


Road Morphology of any traffic node is a very important factor because it incorporates some of the factors which include a degree of connectivity, nodality, Accessibility, pattern and distribution of all important and major nodes, nearest relationship pattern, Measurement of attractive, Zone of potentiality as well as morphological features of the pattern of Road and adjacent zing. For contributing to this chapter, a similar method can apply to measure the morphology pattern of Behala Chowrasta Traffic node.

Traffic Intersection Point and its Adjacent Area

During the primary survey, the footstep method has been started by the researchers and finally footsteps could be converted into scale and plot it through graphical method. Here the main circular node of Behala Chowrasta is approximately 20 metre where the connectivity towards Taratala Road is approximately 10 metre which is similar to Diamond Harbour Road. But it all about 8.5 metre with the road which connects Sarsuna but regarding Biren Roy Road East, the width is approximately 6 metre. Along the roads several parameters have been selected, out of which Bus Stop, Hospital, Shops, Residential area, Private office, Bank, Playground are very much predominant, not only that along the road regarding four connector 80% of land cover with residential area followed by several types of Shops and Private office compared to that of other taken parameters.

The map has been prepared based on track based system using GPS survey. Several ways points have been selected based on 5 metre interval and a closed Traverse survey has been done by the researcher during primary survey. Survey was started from the left alignment of Behala Chowrasta going to Diamond Harbour Road, again come back to Behala Traffic node, further going to towards Sarsuna and come back to Behala Traffic node followed by Taratala Road and survey was finished at the starting point followed by the coverage of Biren Roy Road East. Through this GPS method Researcher has identified the total track area along the coverage of road adjacent area based on extensional work of latitude and longitude and area measure.

Accessibility and Connectivity Measures

Accessibility can be measured based on the Detour Index Method provided by the map of Behala Chowrasta and associated traffic nodes.

From this prepared map, it reveals the fact that, Behala Chowrasta is underlying the zone of moderately accessible and it is quite obvious, during Metro Construction since last five years, Kolkata Traffic Police have been diverted the pressure of vehicles from Diamond Harbour Road to Taratala followed by James Long Sarani, in this regard traffic pressure quite less compared to that of other nodes. However, Biren Roy Road West is comparatively more accessible due to more connectivity, and it directly connects with James Long Sarani followed Taratala. It considers being under a less accessible zone because of not direct connectivity, all the connectivity can be identified indirectly.

Here the Shimbel Matrix measure method can apply where the three zones of accessibility can be drawn and from this map, it reveals that Behala Chowrasta Crossing is underlying in a more accessible zone followed by Taratala and Dakshin Behala Traffic node.

So during peak and lean hour of the day Voluminous pressure of traffic could be observed and passing through this traffic node and it creates loot of congestion, however Biren Roy Road East and West is underlying under moderately accessible zone, so due to existence of highly appreciable accessible zone Behala Traffic node is considered to be more congested traffic node forever.

Pattern of other Traffic Intersection Points

Here Chi-square (χ2) method can apply to measure the pattern and distribution of other traffic nodes in relation to Major node that is Behala Traffic Intersection Point. Here Grid Matrix method can apply to represent the pattern of distribution.

However As per the formulated hypothesis taken by the researcher, it argued that all the traffic nodes (Taratala, Diamond Harbour Road, Biren Roy Road East and West) are significantly meant to Behala Chowrasta Traffic Intersection Point, but when the calculation has been done, as per the degree of freedom (df=48) and the significance level 0.05, it is rejected because the table value (ttab = 67.51) is less than the Calculated Value (χ2 = 100.90) so it has to be rejected. That means the other nodes are sparsely distributed in relation to Behala Chowrasta Traffic Intersection Point.

Zone of Potentiality and Concentration Measure

The concentration of various location of nodes from the main traffic nodes which means Behala Chowrasta Traffic node and here the RN Index value is calculated (0.95) and the result shows that all the nodes are clusterly distributed than random one and the map shows that Biren Roy Road is nearest concentration in relation to other nodes whereas Taratala, Dakshin Behala as well as Biren Roy Road West are in the nature of Balanced Concentration whereas Biren Roy Road East is located in the context of dispersion in nature which means more revelence of traffic congestion.

However, while the gravity potentiality has been measures, Behala Traffic nodes is underlying within highly attracted zone in relation to Behala Chowrasta Crossing and here gravity potential value is maximum which is more than 300 but Taratala and Diamond Harbour Road is within the zone of Moderately attracted node point to Behala Chowrasta Crossing where the potential value is over 30 but a significant fact has been revealed that Biren Roy Road East and West are located within the zone of lowly attracted node point to Behala Chowrasta where the potential value is approximately 10 so obviously this two nodes are less access the node Behala Chowrasta compared to that of others.

Dispersion of Different Nodes

A diagram has been prepared based on dispersion technique starting from Behala Chowrasta Traffic node, here a very clear picture has been revealed that, approximately 20 number of nodes are located in relation to Behala Chowrasta Traffic node and it is less than 500 metre in distance

Whereas almost 56 nodes are within the distance of 1500 metre that means sparsely distributed and 58 nodes are far away from Behala Chowrasta which are over 1500 meter that means there traffic nodes are scatter distributed and somehow the vehicles are passing through this Behala Chowrasta nodes from a different corner as a result more congestion pressure could be observed throughout the day.

Project Report

At the end of the chapter, it can be concluded that, Behala Chowrasta is definitely located in high accessible zone and it is well connected with other traffic nodes which are distributed either sparsely and scatter, somehow huge and voluminous vehicles pressure are passing through this node and due to road mobility of traffic can be reduced and it creates obvious congestion. As per the various Connectivity Indices measures, it is pointed out the fact that proper annotation and planning and policy measures should be introduced to reduce the congestion level, not only that proper diversion should be made significantly by the Kolkata Traffic Police in a collaborative manner.

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